
Become A Better You

It is expedient for everyone – no matter our positions, vocations and pursuits to be knowledgeable in matters of etiquettes and social conducts for these contribute in no small measure to our success or failure in our careers, businesses and relationships. This book offers, in simple presentations, well tested information that can guide people of all ages and classes in enriching their knowledge of the right graces and practices of human interactions and communication with the objective of fostering better relationships and entrenching that distinguishing aura of excellence, decency and class. Ultimately, mastering etiquettes and good social conducts makes us more successful and more comfortable with each other by becoming better versions of ourselves


Publications & Presentations


Certified Counselor

International Institute of Faith Based Counseling, Texas USA


Lagos State Government and PROSWIFTCARE

Leadership and Business Communication Conference 2017


Member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects Delegation

International Builders’ Show, Las Vegas, USA


Member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects Delegation

 Ghanaian Institute of Architects
50TH Biennial General Assembly & Conference, Accra, Ghana

2010 – 2016

Nigerian Institute of Architects

Lagos Architects’ Forum Building EXPO of Evolution from 3rd world to 1st World Eco- Sustainable megacity


Nigerian Institute of Architects

50TH Annual General Assembly & Conference Abuja, Nigeria


Business Owners Course for Female Entrepreneurs

Nigerian Employers’ Consultative Forum (NECA)’s Network of Entrepreneurial Women, Lagos, Nigeria


Member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects Delegation

UN World Conference on Environmental and Urban Development
Habitat II, Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact Info


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